
Metabolic dysregulation in different organs such as the liver or pancreas can lead to several related conditions with significant impacts to quality of life, 发病率和死亡率.1 Evidence shows the underlying disease drivers can act synergistically to increase the risk associated with developing these varied conditions.2


全球有超过6.5亿成年人患有肥胖症, 日益严重的全球卫生挑战和许多心血管疾病的关键上游因素, 肾脏和代谢疾病, 比如心血管疾病, 2型糖尿病和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎.3-6

Metabolic diseases encompass these multiple conditions that result in metabolic dysregulation in different organs and increase the risk of other related comorbidities.1 了解不同的风险因素和疾病驱动因素, like genetics, 它们之间的相互作用是至关重要的. 澳门葡京赌博游戏认为,一种行动机制并不能提供彻底的解决办法.


The global number of people living with diabetes expected to rise to 783 million by 2045 and people with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing several serious life-threatening health problems, 生活质量低,医疗费用高7-10. Obesity and insulin resistance are two key drivers in the development of type 2 diabetes and are also connected to development of diseases of the heart and circulation, 肝脏和肾脏.11

Our research is focused on uncovering the underlying mechanisms that link diabetes to comorbidities, 尤其是导致死亡的主要原因, 包括心肌梗塞和中风, 还有心脏终末器官衰竭, 肝脏或肾脏.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是帮助治疗糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)以外的疾病。, 血糖随时间变化的量度, 预防早期心肾并发症,探索更广泛的代谢状况, 通过探索澳门葡京赌博游戏最成熟的代谢疗法. 新兴科学还表明,肝脏和其他器官之间存在显著的“串扰”, and we are identifying promising approaches for reducing liver fat and inflammation which may have implications for alleviating type 2 diabetes, 还有心血管和肾脏疾病.12 以减肥和肥胖为目标也是澳门葡京赌博游戏新陈代谢策略的关键组成部分, 旨在解决这些不同的慢性合并症.


非酒精性脂肪肝, or NASH, is a liver disease in which a build-up of fat in the liver is followed by inflammation and cell damage.13 它正迅速成为慢性肝病的主要病因, 到2030年,估计有3.5亿患者被确诊.14,15 NASH患者患2型糖尿病和心血管疾病的风险也更高.16

NASH是由与肥胖和2型糖尿病相同的生活方式和饮食因素驱动的.17 有很强的 遗传风险因素 现在正在出现和某些人群不成比例地受到它的影响.18-21

The disease has a gradual onset ‒ over years to decades ‒ and the early stages are often clinically silent and overlooked by both patients and clinicians.22,23 This, 再加上缺乏精确的非侵入性诊断, 经常导致迟到, 甚至是漏诊.24,25 进展到晚期的病人, 纤维化NASH通常需要复杂的治疗, invasive, 以及昂贵的手术干预,比如肝移植.26

澳门葡京赌博游戏正在利用澳门葡京赌博游戏在新陈代谢和相关合并症方面的专业知识, 发现新的生物学并投资于 尖端技术 to find treatments that address the metabolic, inflammatory, fibrotic, or genetic drivers of NASH. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是确定下一波治疗方法, 无论是单独使用还是联合使用,都可能为患者提供独特的益处.


Liver cirrhosis is a chronic and progressive condition characterised by the replacement of healthy liver tissue with scar tissue. 它往往是由各种因素引起的长期肝损害的结果, 包括过度饮酒, 慢性病毒性肝炎, 脂肪肝, 以及某些自身免疫性疾病.27-29

肝硬化可以在没有影响预后的临床并发症的情况下得到补偿.e. 已发生失代偿事件.30 The risk for decompensation events is highly associated with degree of portal hypertension (increased blood pressure in the liver). 失代偿事件包括静脉曲张出血(胃肠道出血)。, 腹水(液体在腹部积聚), 肝性脑病(因肝功能衰竭引起的脑功能障碍), 或者肝细胞癌.30-32 失代偿性肝硬化患者至少有一种这些临床并发症. Of note is that 80-90% of all cases of hepatocellular cancer develop in patients with liver cirrhosis.33,34

而肝硬化是无法治愈的, 治疗的重点是控制根本原因, 降低门静脉压力, 缓解症状. 生活方式的改变,比如戒酒, 采用健康饮食, 保持健康的体重是至关重要的. 在晚期病例中,肝脏移植可能是唯一的选择.31

选择很少, we are committed to better understanding the condition and researching potential medicines so that individuals with cirrhosis can lead fulfilling lives and minimise the risk of complications.

Our people

建立在令人印象深刻的心血管遗产之上, 肾脏和代谢(CVRM)的研究, we are uniquely positioned to build a healthier and longer future for people with these diseases. 澳门葡京赌博游戏超过1000人的团队跨越了23个功能,包括早期和晚期R&D,医疗和商业.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工都是有成就和经验丰富的科学家, researchers, clinicians, and healthcare and commercial professionals dedicated to advancing novel science and driving practice change to benefit patients with CVRM diseases.


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